New Release - The Wife Upstairs by Freida McFadden

 Nov. 23, 2021

ℍ𝔸ℙℙ𝕐 β„™π•Œπ”Ή 𝔻𝔸𝕐 - 'The Wife Upstairs', by Freida McFadden - Audio Version⁣
Published Nov. 23, 2021⁣

Victoria Barnett has it all: a great career as a nurse practitioner, a handsome and loving husband, a beautiful home in the suburbs, and a plan to fill it with children. Life is perfect—or so it seems. Then she’s in a terrible accident… and everything falls apart. Now Victoria is unable to walk. She can’t feed or dress herself. She can’t even speak. She is confined to the top floor of her house with twenty-four-hour care.⁣
 Sylvia Robinson is hired by Victoria’s husband to help care for her. But it turns out Victoria isn’t as impaired as Sylvia was led to believe. There’s a story Victoria desperately wants to tell… if only she could get the words out. Then Sylvia discovers Victoria’s diary hidden away in a drawer. And what’s inside is shocking.⁣
I must say this is one of the best audio books I've listened to all year! The narrator's voice, tone and overall performance + book plot = a REALLY lovely listening experience. ⁣
I can't even give a proper review of the book without revealing spoilers so this is just a reaction post of my listening experience, and all I have to say is 𝘞𝘰𝘸! I felt all sorts of emotions... the times I paused in anger, yelped in shock, and laughed at the incredulousness of it all. Red flags everywhere!🚩
At some point, I thought everything was finally starting to make sense and I was surprised. Victoria?? Really?! But then, what I thought was adding up was not it, at all 😡 I love books that rattle me this way! Just enough twists and turns to keep me on my toes.⁣
 This is definitely a book to listen to, if you haven't read the original copy yet. I'd no doubt buy other books by the author. Many thanks to Dreamscape Media and Author Freida McFadden for providing this audio copy in exchange for an honest review. Saying I enjoyed it is an understatement πŸ”₯⁣
 The audio version of 'The Wife Upstairs' is available from today for purchase.⁣
 α΄Κ Κ€α΄€α΄›ΙͺΙ΄Ι’: 5/5⁣
 Ι’ᴇɴʀᴇ & α΄›Κœα΄‡α΄α΄‡κœ±: Thriller, Suspense⁣
 α΄α΄€α΄›α΄œΚ€Ιͺᴛʏ Κ€α΄€α΄›ΙͺΙ΄Ι’: 14+

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